Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Query SharePoint Choice Field List Items using CAML

Below script gets list items where 'Address Type' not equal to ‘Home Address’ of choice field

$url = "YoursiteURL"
$web = get-spweb $url

Write-Host $list.title

$spQuery = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery
$camlQuery ="<Where><Neq><FieldRef Name='Address_x0020_Type'/><Value Type='Choice'>Home Address</Value></Neq></Where>"
$spQuery.Query = $camlQuery
$spQuery.ViewAttributes = "Scope=Recursive";
$spListItems = $list.GetItems($spQuery)
Write-Host "count" $spListItems.count
#    foreach ($item in $spListItems)
#           {
#                 write-host $i  $item["Address Type"]
#                 $i++
#           }

 Stop-SPAssignment -Global

Friday, August 16, 2013

Create SharePoint Choice Field (Site Column) using PowerShell

Start-SPAssignment -Global
$url = "siteurl"
$web = get-spweb $url

$fieldName = "Surya"
$field = $web.Fields[$fieldName]

 if($field -ne $nul)
      Write-Host $field.Title "Field already avilable in the site"

#There are 2 ways to create a field.
#First Apporach
      Write-Host "no fields exist with this name. creating..."
      $web.fields.add($fieldName, "Choice", $true)
      $field = $web.fields.getfield($fieldName)
      $field.Group = "Custom Columns"
     Write-Host "Field Created"

#Second Apporach

      $suryafield = "<Field Type='Choice' DisplayName='Surya' Required='TRUE' Format='Dropdown' Group='Custom Columns'
      FillInChoice='FALSE' StaticName='Surya' Name='Surya'>
  Write-Host "Field Created"

 Stop-SPAssignment -Global

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Create Content Types and Fields using Powershell

 Below script will work for

1.       1. Add Content Types to the web site
a.       Create a Content Type
b.      Add fields to Content Type
c.       Modify existing fields of  Content Type
d.      Delete fields from Content Type
e.      Create a new field and then add to the content type
2.       2. Add Content Type to the SharePoint List
3.       3. Sorting Content Types in the List

I referred below posts

Start-SPAssignment -Global

function  Sort-ContentTypes(
       [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPList]$list) {

         Write-Host $list.Title
$rootFolder = $list.RootFolder
$DefaultContentTypeName = "Document"  #setting "Document" as default content type.

 $rootFolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = $null

#Get content types fromt the button
$contentTypesInPlace = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType]'
$contentTypesInPlace = $rootFolder.ContentTypeOrder
#Has a default content type name been specified?
      if ($DefaultContentTypeName)
            $contentType = $contentTypesInPlace | where { $_.Name -eq $DefaultContentTypeName }
            if ($contentType -ne $null)
                  #Add the default content type
                  $sortedListOfContentTypes = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType]'
                  $sortedListOfContentTypes += $list.ContentTypes[$DefaultContentTypeName]
                  #Remove the default content type from the list
                  $contentTypesInPlace = $contentTypesInPlace | where {$_.Name -ne $DefaultContentTypeName}
                  Write-Error "$DefaultContentTypeName was not found in the list, sorting by Name alone"
            Write-host "No default content type specified"
      #sort the remaining content types and add the sorted list
      foreach ($contentType in $($contentTypesInPlace | Sort-Object -Property Name ))
      #Add the content types
            $sortedListOfContentTypes = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType[]] $sortedListOfContentTypes + $contentType

      $rootFolder.UniqueContentTypeOrder = [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType[]] $sortedListOfContentTypes
      #Update the root folder
      Write-host "ContentType(s) sorted and added to the dropdownlist in list $($list.Name)"

$url = "http://spdev5:8002/sites/library"
$web = get-spweb $url

#The Display Name of the Content Type
$ctypeName = "SuryaCT1"


if($web.availablecontenttypes[$ctypeName] -eq $null)
      $ctypeParent = $web.availablecontenttypes["Document"]
      $ctypeTest = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContentType($ctypeParent, $web.contenttypes, $ctypeName)
      ##group name
      $ctypeTest.Group = "Custom Group"
#     $ctypeTest = $web.ContentTypes[$ctypeName]
      Write-Host "ctypeAgenda" $
      ##Add fields to the ContentType

      $field = $web.fields.getfield("Field1")
      if($ctypeTest.Fields["Field1"] -eq $null)
            $fieldLink = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink($field)
      ##Update existing fields - as Required
      if($ctypeTest.Fields["Field2"] -ne $null)
            $field = $ctypeTest.Fields["Field2"]
      ##Delete fields from  ContentType
      if($ctypeTest.Fields["Field3"] -ne $null)
         Write-Host "Field2"
        $field = $ctypeTest.Fields["Field3"]
        $fieldLink = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink($field)
      ##create new field and then add to the ContentType
      $web.fields.add("SuryaField", "Text", $false)
      $field = $web.fields.getfield("SuryaField")
      $field.Group = "Custom Columns"
      $fieldLink = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLink($field)

      Write-Host $ctypeTest " Contentype is already avilable in the site."

#$ctypeTest = $web.ContentTypes[$ctypeName]
## Add ContentType to the SharePoint List
      if($ctypeTest -ne $null)
            $list =  $web.Lists.TryGetList("suryadocs")
            if($list.ContentTypesEnabled -eq $false   )
            $list.ContentTypesEnabled = $true;
              if ($list.ContentTypes[$ctypeTest.Name] -eq $null)
                   Write-Host $ " ContentType added"
                   Sort-ContentTypes $list
      Write-Host "Error occurred while Updating:"  $_  -ForegroundColor Red

Stop-SPAssignment –Global
